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Nailing the induction: how to make a great first impression at your induction session

by Jennifer Teese

Nailing the induction: how to make a great first impression at your induction session

You’ve got through the application stage and have secured an induction, a significant achievement in itself - now it's time to shine. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the job market, making a great first impression is absolutely crucial if you want to make the most of your new placement opportunity. We’ve put together our top 5 tips to help you really stand out from the crowd during the induction process.

1. Be prepared

Your consultant will provide you with an overview of the company before you attend your induction so you’ll have an insight into the company, working environment, and job role expectations before you arrive. But if you want to know more, checking out their website is a great start – they often give you an insight into what their company culture and business operations are all about, along with recent news and developments.

2. Be punctual

Arriving on time for your induction is a simple but effective way to make a positive first impression. It shows that you respect the trainers time and are genuinely interested in the position. Plan your journey in plenty of time, aiming to arrive a few minutes ahead of the time advised by your consultant.

3. Dress appropriately

Wear clean and neat attire that's suitable for the job role and in line with dress code. If you have been issued with any PPE, please make sure you are wearing it or have it ready to wear once you arrive otherwise you may be unable to safely complete your induction. If you’re unsure, check with your consultant who can let you know what is most appropriate.

4. Communicate effectively

Listen carefully to the training and information so you’re ready to answer questions or complete any end-of-induction assessments. Speak clearly and confidently, and if there’s anything you don’t understand please ask – this is your opportunity to make sure you’re fully prepared for your work placement.

5. Be positive and enthusiastic

A positive attitude can really set you apart. Be engaged, and actively listen to the information provided – it will demonstrate to your trainer that you value their time and expertise, and you’ll stand out as a quality candidate.

Remember, making a good impression during the induction isn't necessarily about your skills; it's about showcasing your attitude and enthusiasm for the opportunity. At gap personnel, we're here to help you find the right fit, and if you follow these steps you'll be well on your way to making a positive impression during your next induction. Good luck!