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Elevate your interview skills: Google's Interview Warm-Up

by Jennifer Teese

Elevate your interview skills: Google's Interview Warm-Up

Learning the skills needed to land a new job is often just as crucial as learning how to excel in your potential career. Whether it’s mastering the art of networking, acing job applications, or crafting a killer CV, there’s always something candidates can be doing to make sure they’re completely prepared. But, perhaps almost everyone’s achilles heel in pursuit of the perfect role is nailing the most nerve-wracking aspect of the job hunt itself: the dreaded interview.


Navigating interviews, especially in a new field, can be tough and practice and preparation are crucial steps you can take to make sure you ace that interview. But what if you don’t have anyone with whom you can practice common interview questions? Let us introduce to you, Google’s Interview Warm-up. The tech giant has teamed up with job seekers to create a this nifty little tool, designed to help you practice responding to questions handpicked by industry pros.


But how does it actually work?

Using clever machine learning, it transcribes your answers and provides insights on how to level up your responses. We know prepping for interviews always requires effort, but Google’s aim is to make it a tad easier so candidates feel more self-assured and at ease while acing their interviews.


With Interview Warmup, your answers are instantly written down so you can check what you said. As an added bonus, you get insights – tips from smart tech that can help you uncover details about your answers, like the job-related words you use regularly and your main talking points such as your experience, skills, and goals. And although it was designed with Google Career Certificates students in mind, it's open to everyone and includes general questions suitable for various fields. It even shows how much time you spend discussing each topic in your response. And the best part? Your answers aren't graded or judged, and you can practice as many times as you like. It's like your own private practice arena!

Why not give Interview Warm - Up a shot? It could be just the ticket to leveling up your interview prep. 

Check it out here: